Saturday, 8 December 2018

 Term 4 Samoa vs Tonga. Samoa is a big country but they are both the same best country. The Tongan rugby team has some good players just like the Samoan team. In the middle we have our lovely models Jiarus who is modeling our Samoa hat while Fabian is modeling our Tongan hat. Up the top in the middle of the two hats we have the Tongan tapa. Please comment down below and tell me which rugby team and culture you would pick and why. Thank you.😏😊

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Learning - Our Story

Over this term room 9 students have been looking at ways learning helps to make us better.  The movie was shot on location (Ruapotaka School).  As a class we helped to develop the Manaiakalani Film Festival display at the cinema.  Below has the movie we created with the beginning showing the whole class presenting the introduction we would use on the movie launch day.  Enjoy

Friday, 2 November 2018

Haka waiata

Ā, tōia mai,
 Te waka!
  Ki te urunga,
 Te waka!
 Ki te moenga,
 Te waka!
 Ki te takoto rungai,
 Takoto ai,
 Te waka! Hi!
A Utai-na
A Utai-na
Utaina mai ngā iwi
0 te motu
Ki runga Ruapotaka e tau nei.
Aue hiki 'nuku e!
Aue hiki rangi e!
Aue hiki rangi e!
Aue hiki 'nuku e!
A! ha! ha!
Ka hikitia i tā nga iwi
Ka hapainga tāna waka
Aue! Aue! Aue! Ha!
Aue! Aue! Aue! Ha! Hei!

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Sunipa's blog post on art.

This blog post was created by Sunipa. I thought I would add some more information that she may not know.  One piece I wanted to say was that both of these images were created by the team from Genesis Youth and donated to our school.  It is great to celebrate incredible work.  It also shows me that Sunipa is aware of her surroundings and is actively increasing her knowledge and learning.

Here we have some paintings of Superman and Batman doesn't it look cool. Up top we have Superman and at the bottom we have Batman. The painters who did these paintings are so good at what they do .

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Hip hop term 2

During term 2 room 9 was learning how to dance in the style of hip hop.  They all did very well and had a blast doing it.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Sidewinder play

The Sidewinder reading group practicing a play as part of their reading.

Friday, 29 June 2018

Python reading group

Today our group read the story Buttercup in the junior journal 18 which was a play.  This was our first day reading and performing it.  With more practice we will be so much better.

Monday, 28 May 2018

Hip hop

For sports this term we have hip hop.  Our first session was great.


We have had a chance to read the latest toitoi book.  One of the students from our school had their story published in this one.  His name is Konzay.

Thank you Toitoi for the chance to read stories written by children our age and for publishing our stories.

Thursday, 12 April 2018


ANZAC is my most favourite time of the year.  I feel so grateful to all the men and women who had courage and fought for me and my freedom.

As a class we decided to create a poppy solider for our ANZAC service on the last week of term.  It was hard and took a lot of time, but we got it finished and we were all so proud of it.

Friday, 30 March 2018

Duffy books

We are so lucky to be a Duffy books school.  Just like Duffy our whole class wants to read themselves around the world and Duffy makes that happen.

Amera says "we can read them at home".
Malachi says "there are lots of pictures in the books" and Solomon said with a big grin "I love reading!!!!"
Ong Manout says "Duffy books are great for reading and I love reading too".

Wednesday, 14 March 2018


Another year, another term of learning how to swim.
It was great to get into the pool during our very hot summer.  We found that the more we swam, the better we became.  It was also great splashing around and laughing with each other.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Welcome to room 9 2018

As the new term starts we find our class with Y4 and Y5 students.
One of the first things we had to do was to learn to work together.

This activity was cup stacking with a twist.  You could not touch the cups with your hands and you needed to work together with the rest of the group to get the cups up and stacked.  It took some time..... but eventually the whole class were successful.