Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Soccer skills week 2

On Wednesdays we have soccer with Hannah. Learning new skills with her was really cool. I liked the game when we had bibs that were hanging off from our pants.  I also liked playing the game where we each have soccer balls and we have to dribble it to the end, without the person in the middle kick our balls out of the square. Lastly I liked it when we got to learn new skills which was really fun.


  1. Hi room 9 it's great you are learning new skills soccer is such a great game to play. Glad to see you are all enjoying yourselfs keep up the good work.

  2. It is so much fun to do, we really like this game. Thank you Mrs Shortland for visiting our blog.

  3. Hi Room 9, looks like you are really enjoying yourself and learning new skills with the soccer lady. Does anyone in your room play soccer for a club?

  4. No Ms Brough but so many of us want to


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