Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Film Festival 2019

Today is a special day - the annual film festival.  Below is a short movie of the two students from our class who will be presenting our movie.  So while you are reading this post, it is entirely possible that our class will be screening our movie.

This year we have found that the make-up of our class meant that we were having so many conflicts with each other.  We had started to try different ways to stop the class being upset.  We have been working on avoiding the things that upset or minimizing the effects of the different things that upset us.  Here is a short movie on what you could do when there is a situation that could be very explosive and what you could do to stop that from happening.

The whole class participated and while only half of the class had speaking or acting parts, it was a combined effort.  Below you will find the take out reel or blooper reel for this movie.  We discussed how we managed to complete the film in a short time and how it was so easy.  Everyone agreed until we saw the blooper reel.  The truth is there were many practices, re-shoots, and so many opportunities for learning to happen.

We were fortunate to have a talented set of students because we actually made 4 movies.  Each group has blogged their movie and their blooper reel.  Feel free to visit their blogs to see what story they wanted to tell.

Monday, 19 August 2019

The Forge Of Weapons

Over this term room 8A has been working on creating poems.  The focus was to tell a story and allow the reader to be moved by emotion through poetry.  They also added simile or metaphor to their poem.  Below are the poetry recitalist from our class.

Militina's poem

The Forge Of Weapons
The sound of a hammer fills the atmosphere
As it echoes through the air.

The fire of steel made into weapons of death
For the warriors that will risk their lives today

Then the cries of war fill the battlefield
The war has started

The sounds of swords clashing can be heard miles away
The blood of warriors start to fill the area

At last though the war is done and peace is now in the land

Then one day the sound of a hammer fills the atmosphere once again.

Sunipa's poem

Dancing in the mist as the green leaves fall from the tree, 
looking back on the past both good and bad things. 
Leaping into the sky as the breeze passes her face, 
coming back down to the green grass to dance once again. 
She dances aggressively as her emotion takes over.
Her dress is as white as a little white snowflake. 
She is an angel shining bright with a crown as a halo. 

Waiting for her prince near a river dark and shallow.

The written format and video are slightly different because Sunipa added to the final product for the recital. If she decides to amend her current published piece then this post of her written poem will be updated.
Halasika's poem

His poem is still in the draft format and will be added to this post when completed.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Toitoi term 3

The best chance to read the latest stories and poems written by students our age around the country.  Truly unique in the material, completely NZ.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Term 3 Kiwi Can

Another great time to learn social skills.  These skills help us to become better people

Thursday, 27 June 2019


This year we created a newspaper front page using prezi to show our learning and understandings around Matariki.
Kara, Joy and Uinita
 Ocyan and Satui
 Militina and Sonny

Monday, 24 June 2019


The year 3 to 6 went for a zoofari trip.  We were looking at the native birds and bushes.  Our class focused on the alpine birds and plants.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Rippa Rugby - a new way to play

Term two skill training was rippa rugby

Keeping us safe.

Every school day, rain or shine, hot or cold, a group of young people put on their hero costume and head out to face a great danger.  This happens twice a day where these brave, responsible students give up their time (with friends) to watch over everyone who crosses the road.
Let me tell you about these young heroes keeping us safe.  They are the school road patrols.  They do this job with no chance of receiving fortune or fame.  They place themselves in the path of danger to watch out for young and old, who decide to use the crossing.
We are not ready to do this job yet but for some of us, our training to step into this very important role will happen next year.  Ruapotaka School, we are up for that challenge.  We have watched our super road patrol heroes for many years and we think we can do it.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Trolley anyone?

Our prezi
Kotahitanga were given the opportunity to create a trolley.  The group had been reading about trolley racing.  As a challenge they decided to design their own trolley using recycled material.  As it turned out Matt the builder laughed when he saw the material.  He told us we could use our designs but he would get the material for them.  They spend about 2 weeks creating their cart then tried using it in different places around the school.  As a follow up to the create they then did this prezi show to share the learning they did.

Below are the videos of the final product.  The students are able to make running repairs when needed because they were part of the building process.

Monday, 20 May 2019

To be a sailor arrrrrh!

We had so much fun this day.  Sailing was great.  We didn't even mind the cold water (thanks for the wet suits, they really helped with the fun).  Actually once we were shown how to fall out of the boat and get back in, we couldn't wait to fall out and splash around.  Fabian and Seleti were the fastest boat by far.

Thank you to all of the sponsors, ARC club, St Jonhs Lions, Zhik for the life jackets and wet suits.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Rippa Rugby

This term the senior school will develop skills relating to catching and passing.  They will be looking at skills that help you to evade and track.  Ripper Rugby is coming and the whole class is stoked at what that means.

Monday, 29 April 2019

A new way to see things - Prezi

Our class have been working on creating a virtual holiday in different parts of Aotearoa, our home.  Below are some of the Prezi presentations they created and presented to room 9, our buddy class.
Theses Prezis were completed and presented before the end of term 1.  Time to learn how to apply these fantastic presentations has led to the delay in publishing them.  Mō tākū hē.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Aorhaina mai Otautahi

After seeing the horrendous attack on people, good people living in Christchurch (Otautahi) the whole class thought it was time to stand up and join hands with everyone who knew this to be an act of a coward.  During one of our music blocks we took a song that we had been learning and changed one line, but the song does speak of the insanity mankind is capable of.  The song is We are here by Alicia Keys.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Water be gone!

Friday 15 March sees the last day for swimming at school.  The pool will be emptied so please whanau if you did not get a chance to see the swimming demonstrations then please keep all the learning they have gained going by taking them to the pools.  We are blessed to have two swimming pools within the area for this to happen.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Room 6 stars

Today room 6 students hosted the school assembly.  They did a super job.  Well done

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

It's electrifying with Vector.

What a great opportunity to learn how to be safe around electricity.  Lots of chances to learn something new and plenty of opportunity to show others what we already know.  One thing that made sense was not to use a double adapter but use a multi plug because the multi plug has a cut out switch.  This switch will turn off the power if it becomes over loaded.  The double adapter will not do this.  See you can learn something new if you just listen!🙉

Monday, 18 February 2019

Big time gaming production.

Week three and one of the best Duffy shows around.  The message was about how the power of reading can get you out of a sticky situation in the virtual world of an online game.  Lots of songs, quick costume changes, and a strong positive message about reading and the joy of it. Thank you Mr Jarvis who is the school benefactor. He continues to support the students at our school with a generous heart by donating funds which allows each student to receive Duffy books free of charge. We need more people like this in the world. Thank you again. 💜

Friday, 15 February 2019

Fun in the sun

This week we had tabloid sports.  It was a very hot afternoon but the students had a chance to develop skills, work as a team and share a laugh with others in the sun.

 Thanks to all the the parents that came to support their children and our school.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Finding Nemo

Did you hear that????? I did.  Wohoo all across the school.  Room 10 are excited to start swimming.  This heat will help get them into the pool but that is not the only reason.  They see such progress and take pride in have fast they learn.  This only happens when the come to school with their togs and towel.
This amazing opportunity is brought to our school through the B.O.T. and Ms Brough who allow the budget to cater for this and Ms Brough who keeps it tidy and sparkling clean.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Welcome to term 1

This is going to be a year of firsts.  A new class, with a new vision.  It is time to raise our game.  To be the students that we were meant to be.  We have the tools, we have the passion, we have the drive to be better than before.😊 2019 will be our year to shine, so watch this space!