Monday, 19 August 2019

The Forge Of Weapons

Over this term room 8A has been working on creating poems.  The focus was to tell a story and allow the reader to be moved by emotion through poetry.  They also added simile or metaphor to their poem.  Below are the poetry recitalist from our class.

Militina's poem

The Forge Of Weapons
The sound of a hammer fills the atmosphere
As it echoes through the air.

The fire of steel made into weapons of death
For the warriors that will risk their lives today

Then the cries of war fill the battlefield
The war has started

The sounds of swords clashing can be heard miles away
The blood of warriors start to fill the area

At last though the war is done and peace is now in the land

Then one day the sound of a hammer fills the atmosphere once again.

Sunipa's poem

Dancing in the mist as the green leaves fall from the tree, 
looking back on the past both good and bad things. 
Leaping into the sky as the breeze passes her face, 
coming back down to the green grass to dance once again. 
She dances aggressively as her emotion takes over.
Her dress is as white as a little white snowflake. 
She is an angel shining bright with a crown as a halo. 

Waiting for her prince near a river dark and shallow.

The written format and video are slightly different because Sunipa added to the final product for the recital. If she decides to amend her current published piece then this post of her written poem will be updated.
Halasika's poem

His poem is still in the draft format and will be added to this post when completed.


  1. you did a good job.


  2. Subscribe To sika

  3. Hi Sika nice learning there you're in my brothers rugby team varsity nice work.😛

  4. Kia Ora R8a, I really enjoyed these poems. I can't believe you're year six and writing on an extremely different level. I am very impressed of how mature these poems are.
    From, Kotipi


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